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Анкета Gokudera Hayato
KonchepasovДата: Пятница, 18.07.2008, 22:00 | Сообщение # 1
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1. Гокудера Хаято
2. Мафия Вонгола,самопровозглашенная правая рука 10-го Вонголы,курит(только в манге)
3. 15

5. Эгоистичный,самовлюбленный,легко раздрожаймый,вспыльчивый
6. у его семьи своя мафия а его отец глава этой мафии...у него была жена и он закрутил роман с пианисткой и родился Гокудера

его отобрали у его матери и оставили жить с отцом...он не знал что он не сын той кто его воспитывала...и вот в 3 года он начал играть на пианино и его настоящая мать приходила учить его играть...ну это смотреть надо типо эдилия...

а когда у него было день рождения он ждал когда придет репетитор (мать его) чтобы сыграть ей...а они подстоили ее смерть сбросив машину с горы...

только в 8 лет он случайно узнал что эта пианистка была его настоящей матерью и он сбежал из замка в котором жил...

в 15 лет перешел в школу где учился 10-ый Вонгола Савадв Тсунаеши и стал его правой рукой
7. стать сильнее чтобы всегда оберегать 10-го вонголу,пафосен,постоянно курит
8. извените но сдесь будет по английски если что нужно скажу потом

As one of the Vongola family's tenth generation guardians, and the guardian of the Vongola Ring of Storm, Gokudera has access to great power. In the Future Arc, his ring transforms into a specific weapon when combined with its ring boxes, also emitting its own Dying Will flame.

Gokudera has a knack for school and is quite intelligent; he even created his own code system which we see in the future arc (G-Script).

[edit] Bombs
Gokudera is known as "Smokin' Bomb Hayato" (スモーキン・ボム 隼人, Sumōkin Bomu Hayato?), using dynamite as his signature weapon. During Gokudera's "dynamite maintenance", it is revealed that he carries huge amounts of dynamite on him at all times.

Below is a list of what he's used during the series.

Double Bomb
Triple Bomb
Double Bomb with mini bombs
Bomb Blaze
Rocket Bomb
Originally, Gokudera's main weakness was the fact that although his bombs made a deadly weapon, it was difficult to pinpoint and calculate the exact distance between himself and his target and sync it with the amount of time it would take for the bombs to actually explode. In order to remedy this, during the Varia arc, Gokudera invented a new type of bombs accurately dubbed "Rocket Bombs." Each one, once thrown, causes the backside of the bombs to fire up and rocket towards his opponent like high-speed missiles, which then explode on impact. It was this technique, coupled with Gokudera's cunning that allowed him to defeat Belphegor.

[edit] Sistema C.A.I.
The future Gokudera has created Sistema Cambio Arma Istantaneo (lit. System Change Arms Instantaneous; Italian for Instantaneous Arms Rearrangement System), commonly called Sistema C.A.I., a complex system of box weapons that utilize all the flames that flow within his body. All the sixteen boxes have skulls on the outside of them. While everyone is aligned with one of the seven ring elements, in order to draw out the Dying Will Flame, a person will end up drawing other elements that is weaker than the person's main Dying Will flame. Sistema C.A.I. is designed to use such weaker flames to utilize multiple rings to open and complement his storm-based element. Just as the name stated, Sistema C.A.I. allow rapid changing of explosives and rockets.

With the boxes, Gokudera is only able to open four with his Ring of Storm. In this state, the sistema C.A.I. appears to be circular shields of bones with unknown capabilities. From one of those four boxes he can draw a Ring of Rain, and then sequentially acquire Lighting and Sun rings with different combinations, allowing him to open up more boxes and use their associated ability to strengthen his own storm Dying will Flame. Gokudera's new attacks are covered with a layer of another element.

In addition to elemental boxes, there is an animal box containing a wild cat which Gokudera named Uri. Uri hates being in its box and does not listen to Gokudera. However, with accidental help from this feline and through trial and error, Gokudera was able to reach proficiency in the system's use in time for the Millefiore infiltration. During his fight with Gamma Uri blindly tried to attack Gamma even though he clearly was at a disadvantage but is saved by Ryohei. Uri later recovered inside the pouch of Ryohei's kangaroo box animal. As a result of the kangaroo's Sun attribute flame, the pouch not only heals Uri, but transforms him into a massive leopard-like cat with large flaming skull shields on his shoulders.

[edit] Other Boxes
Another box his future self left behind contains metallic mini "cannon" with a skull at the end; it sits attached to his arm. So far the cannon has shown two abilities. By expelling a powerful gust of wind, the cannon can temporarily diffuse the Dying Will Flames of others. Aside from diffusing the flames it does no damage, however. The second ability, which he dubbed Flame Arrow, is a more offensive one, allows the cannon to shoot a destructive explosive blast provided Gokudera loads dynamite into it. It communicates its needs through a projection of Italian words. It seems that in the fight against Gamma, Gokudera uses the power of other attributed rings to empower the cannon and give it a special effect:

Rain: By covering the storm rockets with Rain flames, enemy flames are weakened by the Rain's tranquility and then destroyed by the Storm's degeneration. Allows the attack to break through certain Dying Will Flame shields.

Sun: The Sun's activation and high power output increases the speed of the storm rockets greatly, making it harder to dodge.

Lightning: Fires a charged beam of both storm and lighting flame called "Flame Thunder". With the two flames' properties, it is likely that the attack is a solid beam due to the lightning's solidification, and carries the properties of electricity and degeneration. A lightning bolt appears on the arm-skull cannon when the technique is used.

Cloud: The cannon fires one shot that spreads in a tree-diagram like fashion due to the cloud's "Propagation" attribute.

9. Япония (точно не знаю где)
10. динамит
11. в ЛС
12. часа 3-4 в день
13. Мой мир на Майл ру

DanteДата: Пятница, 18.07.2008, 22:07 | Сообщение # 2
Devil May Cry
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